Useful And Practical Tips To Maintain a Stacker Car Trailer In The Right Way

A trailer that can be used to stack cars is also known as a stacker. These heavy vehicles are used to lift multiple vehicles, sometimes a couple of cars along with a golf cart, or ATVs/motorcycles along with a regular car. The combination can be numerous. That said, there are few essential things that on needs to know in order to maintain this monster vehicle. In the post below we provide you two of the most practical and valuable tips for maintaining and using a regular or custom stacker car trailer. Let’s get into that!

The most essential part of owning a stacker trailer is its lift. When there is no fully functional hydraulic system, it becomes difficult for the lift to operate properly. It is then when the stacking of anything cannot be done effectively.  Make sure to check as well as maintain the 12V batteries of the hydraulic pump which is fitted into the lift. Generally, there is a minimum requirement of 2 batteries along with the stacker trailer. Both these batteries need to be maintained properly. Most batteries don’t require much maintenance and they can work even under harsh conditions. Make sure to invest in such batteries for your trailer. These batteries also do not need to be charged regularly. It is recommended that a charger be fitted internally while purchasing the trailer so that the battery remains fully charged all the time.

Going by a similar fashion as the batteries of the vehicle, the hydraulic pump that operates the lift, plays a significant role to lift up cars and other heavy items. You need to keep a close watch on the on the hydraulic hoses as well as connecters. In case there is any event of leak of the hydraulic fluid, get help and service from a professional as soon as possible. Hydraulic systems are highly sensitive, which us why they demand the use of special tools. Keep that in mind.  

We hope you found the information provided in this post to be useful, now it is time for you to buy stacker race car trailers from a credible store, dealer or supplier.


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