3 Maintenance Tips For Your Utility Trailer


Most of the lightweight trailers can be towed with any car, irrespective of the size. A vehicle with a hitch should be able to do the trick. 

Whether you are going for an adventure trip or want to stay overnight, you can make use of the maintenance tips mentioned below. So, without wasting anymore time, let’s get into it.

Check tire pressure

Most trailer tires offer a significant amount of additional capacity, which allows the tire pressure to remain in the range of 30-40 psi. This is the case for the entire year in all climates. Just like your bicycle or regular car, tire pressure is crucial for the performance. When pressure goes at a lower level, the load carrying capacity also gets reduced and thus, stability is lost. Keep this mind.

Check lighting

Lighting failure can take place with the vehicle's four-flat plug being worn out, so begin by plugging the trailer plug into your vehicle’s plug to check for stop-turn-tail light function, and  check if the yellow LED side marker lights are working.

Check condition of safety chains

To make sure there is complete security, keep a close watch at the wear and tear of your safety chains and if it is possible, check cross chains beneath the tongue when towing. This will ensure that the utility trailer and cargo are safe.

We hope this blog post gave you some useful information and you can use them for your enclosed trailers with living quarters or any other type of utility trailer.


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